Safeguarding Policy
Swim Wild Breathe Free
Statement of Purpose
Swim Wild Breathe Free (SWBF) coaches open water swimming, pool swimming, and breathwork and gives health/well-being advice for adults and children of all ages. SWBF has a duty of care to protect the welfare of its customers, ensuring they can enjoy the activity in a positive and safe environment.
Please note, throughout the guidance, the term child/children is used; this also refers to and includes young people and vulnerable adults.
Safeguarding Principles
Swim Wild Breathe Free ensures that every employee and volunteer recruited:
- Receives safeguarding training appropriate to their role.
- Are subject, dependent on their role, to the appropriate DBS check.
- Agrees to adhere to the company safeguarding policy.
All employees agree to:
- Act appropriately and professionally in the presence of children.
- Maintain a child-centred approach, ensuring the child’s welfare is paramount.
- Remain alert and aware of possible safeguarding risks to children.
- Ensure all participants, whatever their age, ability, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity are protected from abuse.
- Take all suspicions and allegations of abuse seriously and respond swiftly and appropriately.
- Challenge any inappropriate or harmful behaviour.
- Not take inappropriate risks.
- Understand the duty to report concerns in line with the child protection procedures.
- Recognise the statutory responsibility and commit to working with the police, local authority safeguarding team and the NSPCC to ensure the welfare of children.
- Agree to adhere to the legislation on Position of Trust.
Recognition of Abuse
Employees will adhere to for the latest guidance.
Types of Abuse
Employees will adhere to for the latest guidance.
Disclosure from a Child
Employees will adhere to for the latest guidance.
Concerns Regarding a Child
- If the child is in immediate harm, the appropriate emergency services must be contacted.
- If the child is not in immediate danger, contact the company’s Designated Safeguarding Officer in writing within 24 hours.
The Designated Safeguarding Officer will determine whether:
- The incident needs to be reported to the local authorities.
- The incident can be dealt with by speaking to the parents/guardians.
Allegations of Abuse Against Employees
- Any suspicion that a child has been abused by an employee must be reported to the company’s Designated Safeguarding Officer, who will take such steps as they consider necessary to ensure the safety of the child in question and any other child who may be at risk.
- The company’s Designated Safeguarding Officer will immediately refer the allegation to the Local Authority Designated Officer.
- There may be circumstances where allegations involve poor practice rather than abuse. If, after considering the allegation, it is clearly about poor practice, the company should treat it as a misconduct issue.
Safe use of Changing Rooms
Swim Wild Breathe Free follows the Child Protection in Sport Unit’s ‘Safe Use of Changing Facilities’ guidelines.
Non-Recent Historic Abuse
Swim Wild Breathe Free follows the advice of the NSPCC regarding non-recent historical abuse.
Reporting Incidents / Disclosures
Please report incidents/concerns to:
Company Designated Safeguarding Officer | Sarah Patrick | | |
Telephone | 07355389453 |
STA Designated Safeguarding Officer | +44 (0)1922 748642 | |
Monitoring and Review
The policy will be reviewed annually or in the following circumstances:
- Changes in legislation and government guidance
- As a result of any other significant change or event